A downloadable visual novel for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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When Aster the succubus is assigned to human Rohan as her target, it seems like a simple enough job. Humans are an easy assignment, after all.

Turns out that when a succubus is more than a little burned out, and when their target happens to be a feisty, blunt asexual, an easy assignment gets a little more complicated.

  • When Aster Falls is a visual novel with one ending (but plenty of choices throughout). It comes in at just under 12,000 words and a playtime of roughly 1 hour.
  • 3 sketch CGs by Quirkyne, and one gorgeous ending CG by ironicmemeing

When Aster Falls was created by Sad Ghost Studios' timepatches during Maximum Monster Month, 2018, and remastered in February 2021. 

Full credits on our about page.


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WhenAsterFalls-1.1-pc.zip 109 MB
WhenAsterFalls-1.1-mac.zip 91 MB

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Love the game sooo much!!🥰🩶🩵🩷 But it's pretty short, heh 🥹😅 if there'll be a second part about two cutie-pies, definitely will read it! Also, would like to see a male form of Aster, he'd be so dawn hot 🤤 Anyway, thank you for the game, enjoyed it 🫶😚

Love me a good supernatural girl. And board games.

Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for playing ♡

Is Rohan wearing trans flag colors just a coincidence?


Technically yes, that's a happy coincidence, as theirs are predone creative commons sprites. But if you want to read meaning into it, you're more than welcome to! 💙⚪💗

This is such a cute story! I love how Aster and Rohan negotiate their relationship and how considerate Aster is of her needs. Also the character designs are great!

Thank you so much!! I'm so happy you enjoyed their story ♡♡♡♡


I looooooved this game!!! My chosen name is literally aster hahahha

I love succubi, so I was so happy with this game. it was very very cute and it was nice getting to know rohan and aster. The character design is also great!!! thank you so much for making this game

Thank you so much for playing, we're so happy you enjoyed! Can't believe that coincidence, that's so awesome! ♡

thank youuu <3

Thank you. This story made me so happy, and it made so much...sense to me? I'm ace myself and just. Yes. This was so good.

that makes me so happy to hear!!! thank you so much for playing, I'm so glad the game rang true for you ♡

(2 edits) (+1)

My chosen name is Aster

I am hypersexual but when I hit burnout the desire is just... gone

My fiancé is Ace

This feels targeted and I must play it 😅

EDIT: I finished the game and found so many more similarities between me and Aster, as well as quite a few between my fiancé and Rohan so.. that was an interesting experience. I adored the ending, and the mutual understanding they both came too!

OMG what an amazing set of coincidences!!! We're so happy this game got the chance to resonate so much with you ♡


I'm also Aster, I'm non binary

I'm hypersexual but with burnouts, I have no desire

and I had an Ace gf!!!

such a bug coincidence


This was wonderful and adorable and I loved it.

Thanks so much!!! SO glad you enjoyed ♡♡♡


OMG as a confused ace/demi/something mess, this is so, comforting. It's so sweet and honest and real. Thank you for that, thank you for all the work. 

Also I would cuddle Aster until my arms fell off, so the only thing I can only fault you for is...making her too goddamned adorable, curse you!! That and the ending CG which I believe was specifically to make me cry. Job well done. 


I'm so happy you enjoyed my game!! Offering solidarity as a fellow ace mess ♡

this was so good! loving the ace rep & i wish rohan & aster the best 💜

Thank you so much for playing!! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it ♡♡♡


Hi, I am a suuupppper queer ace moron and I'm here to tell you this story was amazing. I like how some important ace topics were brought up, which is nice to see being mentioned in a story. 

Also yay cuddles!


Thank you so much for playing!! as a fellow queer ace moron, I really appreciate it! :3 ♡♡


This was really nice. it's a short and sweet visual novel but their relationship still feels pretty organic.

It was great!


We're so happy to hear you liked it! Thanks so much for this lovely comment ♡♡♡

(1 edit) (+2)

Drawing of Rohan

I drew Rohan because she’s the best <3

This is amazing! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! She looks great :3 ♡

Just finished playing (is this chapter one or a demo?) and I loved it! hope there’s more in the future I love them both <3


Hi, I'm so glad you enjoyed, thanks so much for playing! ♡

As of right now, this is the end of Rohan and Aster's story. I won't rule out returning to them in a later project, but WAF is a standalone, not a demo or first chapter ;w;


This game was delightful! It's so nice to see asexual representation, especially in this kind of game. I enjoyed it a lot, and look forward to all your future projects <3


Thank you so much for playing! I'm so glad you enjoyed ♡♡♡

(1 edit)

I couldn't find it in the description, but what ESRB rating would this have? (Everyone, Everyone 10+, Teen 13+, Mature 17+, Adults Only 18+)


I'd say E or E 10+ at most :)

Ok, thank you for the help!


I played this game as an extremely thirsty hetero male looking for more media to try and understand asexuality after gradually researching the topic for roughly 4 years because someone very close to me is asexual. I can't say that it really helped me in that regard, but I did enjoy the game.

The characters are cute, and the art is good. I really enjoyed the expressions Rohan and Aster show throughout the course of the narrative- they're adorable and add a lot of character, especially Rohan's "skeptical" face.

If anything, this VN offers a pleasant look into the beginnings of a relationship between the two heroines, and it would be interesting to see how things develop over time for the two of them. More than anything, this feels almost like a taste or a first chapter of something to come.

Thank you for the experience.

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed, thanks for the feedback ♥

I just played this for the first time the other night and I just created an account to say that I love the way the characters were written, as well as the presentation, character design, and music. The subject matter is also really important and I'm glad that this story spoke on asexuality so accessibly, and earnestly.

If this was ever made into a full length VN I'd definitely pay solid money for it!

Good work!


Thank you so, so much for this lovely comment! I'm honoured, and so glad you enjoyed it ;w; ♥

for anyone on the ace spectrum, this visual novel is so DAMN nice because it accurately depicts (at least for me) what desire is like for people on the spectrum, and it's so important for people to know that the tension and feelings are still real. that the romance and love are very much still something to be desired and they do NOT need to be sexual. WELL DONE. 

thank you so much! good ace rep is so sorely needed, so i'm very glad WAF rang true for you ♥♥

(1 edit)

hi. so... i've been translating this game into russian lately, it's almost ready. thought you deserve to know, as a team of people who made it. i was too shy to ask for a permission at first and i wasn't even sure if i am going to post the translation anywhere or not, but now i'm pretty sure i would love it if, like... it was all done properly. like if this page had 2 tabs — one is the english version of the webpage with the english description and download link, and the other one is for the russian viewers who may want to download it too (i'd link this webpage in my blog, then). this way, you'd get the donations from russians (if they'd send you any XD russians ain't the reachest nation unfortunately). what do you think? do you mind it or not?

(oh btw i'm panro asexual too  helloa kdshjd)


Thanks for getting in touch about your translation! Feel free to release it, but in future maybe get in touch with developers before you start. You never know if they're working on official translations, and things like licenses can get tricky when you're translating without permission.

(By the way, well done on the Russian version of the logo, it's very close to the original!)

I've looked through itch.io and I don't see a way to have an alternate language on the same page or anything like that, so I'm afraid you'll have to host this on your own itch page or similar. I also have no way to play through it myself since I can't read it, so I don't feel super comfortable integrating it with the English version of the game. Since this is my IP and I haven't talked with the artist that drew some of the assets, I'd ask you limit donations you get for your translation to the same default price I ask for the English ver - $3 USD.

Oh also, I thought you'd like to know that there's another Russian translation of the game linked on vndb, but I don't know a lot about it since it was done without contacting me.

I appreciate your hard work and your effort to bring English-language VNs to your language community! ♥

(2 edits)

Thank you for an answer! It's good to know I have your permission for posting it online now. Also thanks for complimenting the Russian logo, I've tried my best keeping as close to the original as possible while working on the adaptation.

I guess I'll just post it in my blog, then. With two donation links — the donations for developers (you) and for the translator (me)..? Is that okay? Did I get it right? With the default price not bigger than 3 USD as you mentioned.

Ooh the translation you're talking about is what inspired me to translate the game myself... Because it's pretty inaccurate, actually ^^// I downloaded it, started playing — and that's exactly how my first acquaintance with the novel was made... Beautiful artwork, amazing story, breath-taking ace rep — and weird, laughable translation :D I'm thankful to the person who accomplished it, though, because I'd never understand, how to translate the novel, if only I haven't checked which files did THEY change in order to translate it xD I'm still new to the RenPy novel adaptation. But I've asked my friend to beta-test the translation and she hadn't found any untranslated patches or anything like that, which is reassuring enough!


Oh wow. This was cute, heart warming, and remarkably sexy all the same. I really loved this. Great job!


Thanks so much!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! ♥♥♥


as a female-bodied asexual moron can I just say thank you for the representation i deserve and im love u

(1 edit) (+2)

as a fellow asexual moron, i'm so glad you enjoyed ^^ ♥ ♥

(2 edits) (+1)

So, I downloaded it, but when I try to extract the zip file it just gives the error saying that it cant open it as an archive and won't let me extract it (Edit: I've tried downloading other games from itch.io and it's giving me the same error on every game)


That's weird! Might be a problem with your internet connection (if it's slow, it might not be downloading the whole thing), or you could try a different unzipping software?


I forgot to mention that I downloaded games from itch.io in the past and it worked, but it seems that the past few games just won't unzip


SHE *clap* GOT *clap* THAT *clap* RE-*clap*-PRE-*clap*-SEN-*clap*-TATION THO *authoritative clap*


THANK *clap* YOU *clap* for playing! ^^ ♥♥♥


This visual novel is incredible

Thankyou so much! Glad you enjoyed ♥♥

sweet short story.beutiful artstyle.really enjoyed the game,good job!

Thanks so much!! ♥

This is so good! I loved that you really focused on asexuality and aromantic attributes and stayed true to them! There isn't a lot of representation available and I'm glad that I got to play an amazing example of it. Amazing job!

Sorry for the late reply, but thanks so much for your let's play! I really enjoyed your playthrough, you got the voices spot on ;w;


i love the premise for this, and it was executed perfectly! great job to everyone involved :D

Thanks so much for playing!! We're glad you liked it ♥♥


Asexual representation (and good asexual representation, at that), finally!!! It's so, so rare for me to find a fictional character like me that isn't mocked or scrutinized. And having an ace protag in a romantic visual novel? Practically unheard of. 

Anyways, this absolutely made my day. The art is beautiful and the writing is perfect! Thank you guys so, so much for helping an insecure panro ace gal feel a little more normal in this world <3


Thank you so much for playing, and for your lovely comment!

As a fellow panro ace gal, I'm so glad our work made you feel represented and heard ♥



This game is so cute, respectful and have such good writing/music... I can't help but to adore it! Really need to play it again, and will share it with many of my friends who are LGBTQIA+ <3

Thank you so much for playing! I'm so glad you loved it, and I'd be honoured if you shared it ☺️💖


I've loved it! The art is stunningly beautiful,  the plot is really good (as someone who's not feeling very comfortable about sex lately, I really relate to Aster with the whole need for a break thing) and it's very well written. Can't wait to play more of your games!

Thanks so much for playing!! I'm so, so glad you loved it, and that you could relate to her ♥

I really enjoyed this game! As an asexual person, I really related to Rohan (: Good job!

(1 edit)

Thanks so much for playing! I'm glad you could relate to her, that makes me really happy ;w;

(1 edit)

Very good artstyle. Espreccially sprites :)

Interesting and original idea for plot. And it's yuri story, yay ♥

well-written characters. they really have totally different personalities. But you know, as they say: opposites attract.

good luck, with your next projects

edit: ending was extra cute.

Thank you for playing! I really appreciate the feedback ♥♥